The Vitality ecosystem will reward the most important lifestyle decisions we make on a daily basis.

It is an inalienable human right to have access to optimal self-sustainable health, longevity, and better lifestyles, 100% free of non-consensual intervention, hinderance, or harm from others.

Vitality Banner


Utility NFTs
Reward Pools
Fair Opportunity
Burn Protocols
Staking Rewards
Self Minting

Vitality Twitter HQ (Official)

Vitality Community Telegram (Official)

Vitality Launch Opportunities



A tokenised environment that empowers an individual’s access to genuine freedom.

Generate, mint, charge, stake, pool, trade, share, earn, buy, sell and hold your lifestyle choices as token rewards.

  • Advanced gamification and interaction protocols are integrated in various applications that drive change and positive behaviour, habits and routines.
  • Immutable smart contractsfor trust-less security, privacy and decentralisation.
  • Advanced financial applicationsfor individually controlled private investment and honest yield.
  • Unified ecosystem of applicationsthat solve problems in various areas of society and an individual's fitness and lifestyle.
  • Superior use cases and utilitythat drive demand, gamification and onboarding.
  • Decentralised "Time Deposit" finance optionallowing the user to set their own terms for yield generation with a "promise to complete".
  • Uniqueyield bonding curves, token fee structures and in-app reward systems that proportionately distribute token inflation, yield, bonuses, and penalties to the community.
  • First to market "Utility NFT" minting mechanism for additional in-app rewards, multipliers, amplifiers, and bonus staking yield % ratios with additional in-app user benefits.

Generate, mint, charge, stake, pool, trade, share, earn, buy, sell and hold your lifestyle choices as token rewards.

  • Advanced gamification and interaction protocols are integrated in various applications that drive change and positive behaviour, habits and routines.
  • Immutable smart contractsfor trust-less security, privacy and decentralisation.
  • Advanced financial applicationsfor individually controlled private investment and honest yield.
  • Unified ecosystem of applicationsthat solve problems in various areas of society and an individual's fitness and lifestyle.
  • Superior use cases and utilitythat drive demand, gamification and onboarding.
  • Decentralised "Time Deposit" finance optionallowing the user to set their own terms for yield generation with a "promise to complete".
  • Uniqueyield bonding curves, token fee structures and in-app reward systems that proportionately distribute token inflation, yield, bonuses, and penalties to the community.
  • First to market "Utility NFT" minting mechanism for additional in-app rewards, multipliers, amplifiers, and bonus staking yield % ratios with additional in-app user benefits.


Monetising your lifestyle behaviour enters the real world.

IN A NUTSHELL: Vitality Token (VTY) is the unit of measure for rewards generated by users within the extensive Vitality Ecosystem of Applications (VEA). Vitality Token is managed by users in the Vitality Management Interface (VMI) which empowers all your tokenised lifestyle choices and rewards.

- Vitality Token (VTY)
- Vitality Ecosystem of Applications (VEA).
- Vitality Management Interface (VMI)

Vitality Token is an ultimate utility cryptographic token with an advanced deflationary economic model operating on Solana Network. Using superior tokenomics which drive token and NFT gamification and rewards, we can now power an entire ecosystem of lifestyle applications and other problem-solving desktop platforms to achieve the mission and vision. This mission involves creating a world where better fitness, health and lifestyle choices are encouraged and rewarded.

- Lifestyle Choices
- Finance Management
- Fitness Metrics
- Healthy Habits
- Travel & Adventure
- Cellular Nutrition
- Learning & Development
- Community Contributions
- More...

The Vitality Token lifestyle platform will track and process all your lifestyle habits and behaviour to a new level enabling full control of data from one central application and interface. Every decision and action you do in life will all be found in one place and all your best choices will be rewarded. A better life designed by YOU!

About Vitality

Due to confidentiality agreements and good development practice, specific detail relating to the individual projects will remain private until they are launched or ready for launch however the community will be kept up to date via a comprehensive community development and token integration road map. Disclosure of a number of applications and projects integrating the Vitality network will be provided by the community development team however there shall never be any expectation of profit from the work of others.

The project is in an advanced stage of development with several third-party agreements and community driven development already taking place which will integrate and utilise the Vitality token economic model. This integration also includes the CHI Token which is a binary utility token used for secondary use cases involving utility NFT’s which are minted by the user themselves when they create and fulfil voluntary "Time Deposit" stakes. See the white paper for more details.

Various smart applications will initially support communities across multiple blockchains and projects, ensuring diverse participation.
Applications will also provide additional use cases, demand, incentives and further utility and use cases for all of these third party token projects. Collaboration over competition. The community is also looking to support other third party blockchains and their projects to ensure an inclusive and engaged crypto community where everyone benefits from the Vitality ecosystem. Together, the community will thrive and change the world of fitness, health, and lifestyle.

Vitality token is a finance solution, a lifestyle reward solution, a universal income solution, a data mining solution and an investment solution all in one.

"It is now highly feasible to take care of everybody on Earth at a higher standard of living than any have ever known. It no longer has to be you or me. Selfishness is unnecessary. War is obsolete. It is a matter of converting high technology from weaponry to livingry."

- Buckminster Fuller

Your Future Lifestyle Status

Imagine a world that motivates and rewards you for your better choices. Choices relating to movement, health, nutrition, adventures, activities, finances, personal life data and all your lifestyle decisions down to a cellular level.

The better and smarter life you lead, the more rewards and better health you earn and YOU are in 100% control.


Motivate people via an advanced tokenomic and gamification ecosystem to lead better lives and lifestyles. Successfully executed by progressive metric tracking, social consensus, data analysis and daily tokenised reward mechanisms. The success is driven by the community, shared consensus, participation and the vast ecosystem of pre-developed use cases and lifestyle applications in various niches.


Change the lives of 100+ million people by the year 2035 via the adoption of smart applications and the utility of the Vitality Token into everyday life activities.

Vitality Applications Quick Glimpse

The Vitality Ecosystem of Applications (VEA), comprises numerous native, white-label, and third-party partner applications with Vitality Token integration.

Phone and web based platforms are already well into development.

For insights, early bird access, airdrops, and ongoing software updates, please join our Telegram group for announcements and exclusive opportunities.


  • Vitality Smart Wallet (Phone)
  • Vitality Video Content Platform (Phone & Web)
  • Vitality Coach Interface (Web)
  • Vitality Influencer Platform (Web)
  • Vitality Whitelabel Thirdparty (Various)
  • Vitality Gaming (Gaming)
  • Vitality Metaverse | Universe (Memes / Augmented Reality)
  • Vitality Utility NFT (Amplifiers / Market Place)

Self-contributing to your inalienable right to a self-sufficient and brighter future.

Earn Yield
Income Streams
Utility NFTs
Internal Currency

Community Roadmap

Development Is Subject To Change

August 2020

Vitality Ecosystem Concept Begins

January 2021

Smart Application Ecosystem Development

June 2022 - Tokenised Environment Concepts

Whitepaper, tokenomics, gamification, yield formulas, token concepts and NFT concepts and systems are established.

July 2022

Websites & roadmaps outlined

August 2022

86+ Wireframe SmartWallet 1.0 Completed (Super App)

August 2022

SmartWallet™ 1.0 Development Phase Commences


SmartWallet™ 2.0 Development (AI / New Innovations).


Additional 40+ Wireframe SmartWallet 2.0 Commences (Super App)


Vitality Token Distribution Phase 1 - LaunchPad


Vitality Ultimate Utility Token Stealth Launch


SmartWallet™ and Vitality Online Applications Development


Exchanges, Affiliations & Integrations


Ecosystem Application - Community Token Staking


Ecosystem Application - Limited Edition & Founders Edition NFT "Community Invite" Time Pool (100 Days Only)


NFT Community Pool #1 (100 Day Entry Only)


Core Ecosystem Applications Launch 1 by 1 (Dates To Be Confirmed)


Sovereign Administration Blockchain


Use Cases

How do you motivate yourself to change your behaviour?

1. Social incentives
2. Immediate reward
3. Progress monitoring

Vitality Token will encourage changes in behaviour via its ecosystem of applications built to inspire better living.

Vitality Tokens demand is driven by the strength of the use case and utility ecosystem. The token will act as the currency and proof of effort reward token within the network. Vitality token is the blood that drives innovative success in fitness, health and lifestyle behaviour.

The Vitality Token ecosystem is a dual token universe with a supporting reward and NFT activation token called CHI. CHI can be used to create and mint NFTS, Charging NFTS and can also be charged, staked, held and traded on the open market.

In-App Rewards

Vitality token is the internal reward token for all interactions within the integrated app ecosystem. The opportunity to generate rewards for users will be vast, innovative and motivating.

Charging, Staking & Pools

Vitality token can be charged, pooled and staked for anywhere between 99 and 5555 days for a proportionate share of bonuses, penalties and the APY % inflation of 4.32%.

Store of Value

Vitality token might act as a store of value over time based on simple supply vs demand ideologies and economics with a deflationary outlook due to staking, token reduction, NFTs and other in-app mechanisms. Delayed gratification principles apply with no guarantees or expectations of profit from the work of others. Open markets, demand, supply and utility determine value over a longer time frame.

Inflation Rewards Distribution

Vitality token has an annual 4.32% inflation which is distributed to the staking, pooling and in-app user class based on the CHI-Share distribution formula and other metrics specific to each specific mechanism as they vary. Gamification is strong. All users generate their own returns.

Ecosystem Currency

Vitality token is the internal currency and blood for the ecosystem. It is used to monetise, incentivise and reward users for better health and lifestyle choices and delayed gratification. Tokens can also be used for in-app purchases, subscriptions and retail purchases. Look into staking, pooling and time deposits for added gamification and time reward systems.

Peer to Peer

Vitality Token can be used for peer to peer transactions using our own smart wallet, reputable third party applications and other traditional methods of crypto transfer.

Community Developed Smart Apps

Reward token and internal currency used in various smart applications both developed by the community and third parties.

Social Blockchain

Internal utility token used for an advanced society administration blockchain planned for the near future.

Third Party Apps

Integrated reward token for approved third party applications that support the vision and mission.

Charging, Burn and Earn

Time Deposit staking system that generates yield, bonuses, penalties, value over time and CHI tokens for NFT creation. Burn mechanisms will be integrated to ensure equilibrium between inflation and deflation.

Utility NFT Creation

CHI tokens are minted from burning CHI-Shares at the end of charging periods that allows the creation of utility NFTs and our new charging NFTs.

Community Currency

Vitality can be used as an internal currency, unit of trade, unit of measure and a unit of value. The community decides its market value and it intrinsic value via the velocity of supply and demand within the ecosystem.

Below is the current count for applications and platforms integrating the Vitality token to date with official launch of application names and precise use cases to be provided at the appropriate time.

Partner Targets - Integrations & Affiliations

1. Travel – Integrated travel services and bookings.
2. Shopping – Integrated shopping, reviews and rewards
3. Fitness Data – Calorie tracking and data analysis
4. Composition Data – Composition analysis
5. Heart Data – Heart rate tracking services and data analysis
6. Data & Statistics  – Data revenue opportunities
7. Professional Services – Coaching, health advice and more

Exchange Targets

1. Coinbase
2. Coinspot
3. SwyftX
4. Identified DEXs – Uniswap, 1 Inch and others
5. Identified CEXs – Binance, MEXC, Bitget and others

Ecosystem Targets

1. Integrated Phone Smart Apps – 1+ proposed core project
2. Integrated Web Based Desktop Platforms – 1+ proposed core project
3. Integrated Native Blockchains – Multiple identified opportunities
4. Integrated NFT market place – 1+ identified core project
5. Integrated Metaverse Universe & Land Opportunity – 1+ identified core project
6. Integrated Gaming & Augmented Reality Experience – 1+ identified core project


NFT 4.0 is here with Vitality

Utility NFT Types

All Vitality Ecosystem NFTS are considered utility NFT's that may serve a variety of benefits for community members, varying from numerous in-app benefits, wrapped file types, in-app token multipliers, plus other features yet to be disclosed. Some undisclosed benefits are yet to come and will be released as to the proposed development roadmap and via a series of surprise in-house benefit launches.

Early Adopter Multiplier Utility NFT Series:

These will be limited time community pools for increased rewards and bonuses.

  • Founders Edition Elementals Utility NFT – Main Character Release 1 – 1000 ONLY
  • Limited Edition Elementals Utility NFT – Universe Character Release 1 – 1000 ONLY
  • Limited Edition Elementals Utility NFT – Universe Character Release 2 – TBC
  • Limited Edition Elementals Utility NFT – Universe Character Release 3 – TBC
  • Other releases to follow

**Subject to change, improvements or updates at any time

This series will be made available for sale to the community with a “first in, best dressed” outlook and will empower users with Founder Edition, Limited Edition and Exclusive Release benefits that will only be made available for these NFT’s.

PLEASE NOTE: Benefits & multipliers will be announced closer to the date. These NFT’s will be made available to those who sacrifice as a priority. Residual will then be put onto the open market.

The Duality Token & Utility NFT Series: TBC

A supporting secondary utility token will be launched to support stakes and other reward mechanisms with utility NFTS and more.

Utility NFT Benefit Summary

1. Unique collectable attributes with unique rarity scale and integrated incapsulated staking
2. NFTS have feature platform subscription discount benefits
3. NFTs have token in-app reward multiplier benefits
4. NFTS can hold multiple file types (TBC)
5. NFTS can connect with Digital IDs for IP protection and serial ownership
6. In-app NFT feature and benefit gallery
7. In-app NFT market places
8. NFT physical display technologies (TBC)
9. End Stake NFTS after claim act as a container which can then be re-used. NFTS will maintain their platform user benefits and multipliers.

**Subject to change, improvement and updates at any time

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Rewards, Features & Expectations

Community Token Integration
Secured Smart Contracts
Daily Reward Systems
Application Ecosystem
  • Core Token name:Vitality Token
  • Binary Token name:CHI Token
  • Ticker Symbols:VTY & CHI
  • Token Supply:Distribution Phases
  • Inflation and Reward Rates:4.32%
  • Burn Rate:0.2222% All Ecosystem Fees (TBC)
  • App Address:TBC
  • Main Token Contract:TBC
  • Blockchain:Solana (SOL)
  • Decimal Places:18
General description

Vitality is the leading fitness, lifestyle and health monetisation, incentive and gamification protocol with added high performance decentralised finance solutions and utility NFTs. Vitality token is a finance solution, a lifestyle reward solution, a universal income solution, a data mining solution and an investment solution all in one.

  • In app transactions to a “buy and burn” address with no expectations.
  • End stake transaction fee to a "buy and burn" address with no expectations.
  • Set a stake fee to a “buy and burn” address with no expectations.
  • NFT creation burns CHI Token.
  • In app subscription fees to a “buy and burn” address with no expectations.
  • Proof of Benevolence burn app feature – Vitality & CHI
  • In-app gamified rewards for better lifestyle choices & behaviour
  • In-app currency for services, subscription and retail
  • Official lifestyle smart app ecosystem token (multiple apps built by the community)
  • Third party app integration
  • Staking rewards at 4.32% inflation based on CHI-Share holding ratio and formula
  • Staking NFT capabilities
  • Staked Vitality earns vitality token at 4.32% CPI and CHI tokens based on the CHI-Share formula
  • Vitality rewards paid proportionate to 4.32% inflation and CHI-Share holdings (more stakers = lower inflation returns making the bonus multiplier NFTS valuable)
  • CHI is a staking reward and NFT activation token.
  • CHI Tokens are earned by staking using the Chi-Share formula
  • When a stake ends, CHI-Shares are burnt for CHI tokens
  • CHI Tokens can then be used to create and mint a utility NFT
  • CHI tokens are burnt when an NFT is minted.
  • Proof of Benevolence burning mechanism also available.
  • CHI Tokens can also be locked up in a staking NFT to add monetary value to the NFT
  • All apps and development must be audited with reports
  • All apps and development must have 100% uptime
  • All apps and development must be 100% secure


Charging / Staking

The staking protocol is a mechanism that empowers users to mint and generate their own yield based on pool size, time, length and size of stakes. various options will be made available.

We call staking, charging, as we are amplifying the energy to the tokenomics with various deflationary and gamified mechanisms to create demand, liquidity cycles and other motivating incentives. Inflation is paid to the staking and in-app user class and all users generate their own rewards and yield via the proof of effort protocol.

All stakes will earn a 4.32% APY evenly distributed to the stake community class based on in-app reward distribution and CHI-Share formula ratios. Burning mechanisms will also play a part in the dynamics of yield, liquidity, supply and demand.

In addition to the Time Deposit charging and staking system there will be a number of community pools and NFT pools to distribute the 4.32% inflation in both Vitality and CHI tokens. Please visit the Vitality application for more details.



Token Distribution Schedule

Initial Token Distribution: 888 Million

Community Distribution
Main Token Distribution Ratios

Distributed On-Launch Approach

  • 5% Sophisticated Private Sale 1 (Development / Marketing)
  • 7% Launchpad Early Bird Pre-Sale (Community Distribution)
  • 3% LaunchPad Referral Rewards (Various Distribution Phases)
  • 10% T1 Reserve Treasury (In-App Rewards & Staking)
  • 5% T2 Treasury Investment Staking (Additional Rewards)
  • 5% Marketing, Advertising & Reach
  • 20% Main Public Sale (Community Distribution)
  • 20% Software & Product Development
  • 5% Airdrop (Community Distribution)
  • 6% Liquidity, Market Makers & Exchanges
  • 3% Social Reach, Influencers & KOLS
  • 3% Whitelabel Partnerships
  • 3% DAO & Governance
  • 5% No Expectations (Linear Release)

All “No Expectations Smart Contracts” hold “NO EXPECTATIONS OF PROFIT FROM THE WORK FROM OTHERS” and this statement and rule has been added to the on-chain data for public view. This is a community project focusing on the cause.

Vitality Tokens will be made available on the open market via pre-sales, appreciation point airdrops, pool rewards, time deposit rewards, and in-app reward mechanisms in return for interaction and better lifestyle choices made by consensual sovereign individuals. All rewards are generated by the users.

888 million tokens will be the initial maximum supply upon launch. A modest circulating supply environment is expected due to locked, reserved, and designated allocations. A 4.32% inflation rate will apply to the circulating supply and will be accessible only through staking pools, time deposit staking, NFT charging, and in-app reward smart contracts, which will be locked, secured, and immutable.


Deflationary / Inflationary Modelling


A new virtual world of fitness, health and lifestyle

In the future Vitality token plans to enter the Metaverse however these concepts are under wraps for now. It will however involve virtual land, retail, property, investment, lifestyle experiences, health and fitness.

Stay tuned.


Dual Audits

What’s in the audit report?

Our audit reports are custom, thorough, and transparent. The report will contain the details of any identified vulnerabilities and classify them by severity (Critical, Major, Medium, Low, and Informational), along with suggested remediations.

With every successful audit, we’ll provide a listing on the CertiK Security Leaderboard that is shared publicly with the entire crypto community. The Leaderboard contains the details of projects alongside the audit reports, as well as the community’s security sentiment of the project.


Long Stake Viral Referral System – First 365 Days Only

Every user who creates a LONG SUPER STAKE in the first 365 days upon launch (after official token distribution) can refer a friends address for an additional overall end stake value % reward. Bonus is only received if the invited address also creates a stake following the below rules. All penalties and staking rules apply to this reward. There is no limit on referred addresses however each address can only be referred once.

1. 3+ Year Stake receives 2.22% compounded bonus on end stake.
2. 7+ Year Stake receives 4.32% compounded bonus on end stake.
3. 15 Year Stake receives 6.66% compounded bonus on end stake.

This will be in addition to the APY % projection, 4.32% inflation distribution, all other bonuses, penalties and staking rewards however only applies for the first 365 days from token launch (after official token distribution) as an early adopter reward. All normal end stake rules applies for these referral stakes including Emergency End stake penalties.

Other referral rewards of a different nature will also be available within certain apps in the ecosystem.

NFT Staking Pools – First 100 Days Only

Every time some exits the pool permanently to redeem their pool reward, users will obtain a greater yield %. The longer you stay in the pool, the higher your yield will become in time. The last user in the pool will receive 100% of the rewards for a period of 3 months straight and then forced exited to officially end the pool. All NFTS will be retained and will be 1/1000 limited series.

There will be a series of limited time early adopters NFT pools for users to mint and generate their own limited edition and founder edition NFTS. These pools will have an exclusive 100 day entry periods for users to build NFT pool staking ladders. Once the 100 day entry window is closed, users will not be able to re-enter the pool. Again, all NFTS are retained as an asset however they can not be used to re-enter these pools.

Risk Assessment & Disclaimer

This is crypto and a new asset class that comes with great volatility, risk and reward. PLEASE NOTE: The risk of loss in trading or holding Digital Currencies and Cryptocurrencies can be substantial. As with any asset, the value of cryptocurrencies can go up or down (and can even drop to zero), may be very volatile and there can be a substantial risk that you lose money buying, selling, holding, or investing in digital currencies and cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency services are not currently regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, or similar or any other regulator in the UK, US, EU or AUS. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital currencies or cryptocurrencies is suitable for you in light of your own financial situation and attitude to risk, as evaluated by you carefully. We do not make any representations or recommendations regarding the advisability or otherwise of trading in digital currencies and cryptocurrencies or any particular transaction.


Frequently Asked Questions

Vitality is the leading fitness, lifestyle and health monetisation, incentive and gamification protocol with added high performance decentralised finance solutions and utility NFTs. Vitality token is a finance solution, a lifestyle reward solution, a universal income solution, a data mining solution and an investment solution all in one.

  1. In-app gamified rewards for better lifestyle choices & behaviour
  2. In-app currency for services, subscription and retail
  3. Official lifestyle smart app ecosystem token (multiple apps built by the community)
  4. Third party app integration
  5. Staking rewards at 4.32% inflation based on CHI-Share holding ratio and formula
  6. Staking NFT capabilities
  7. Staked Vitality earns vitality token at 4.32% CPI and CHI tokens based on the CHI-Share formula
  8. Vitality rewards paid proportionate to 4.32% inflation and CHI-Share holdings (more stakers = lower inflation returns making the bonus multiplier NFTS valuable)

CHI token is the binary token to the system that is generated from the burning of CHI-Shares at the end of stakes. Once a CHI-Share is burnt, the user will receive CHI Token at a ratio of 5:1.

Every 5 CHI-Shares = 1 CHI Token.

  1. CHI is a staking reward and NFT activation token.
  2. CHI Tokens are earned by staking using the Chi-Share formula
  3. When a stake ends, CHI-Shares are burnt for CHI tokens
  4. CHI Tokens can then be used to create and mint a utility NFT
  5. CHI tokens are burnt when an NFT is minted.
  6. Proof of Benevolence burning mechanism also available.
  7. CHI Tokens can also be locked up in a staking NFT to add monetary value to the NFT

Time Deposits or commonly known as Certificates of Deposit (CDs) are similar to various banking Term Deposits however without the middle man, fees and low interest rates. Time Deposits are a popular investment tool serviced by banks however the yield is less than attractive. Vitality has taken the concept of Time Deposits and has added significantly better tokenomics, fair and reasonable interest rates, removed the banking fees and turned it into a decentralised utility cryptocurrency which rewards users for better fitness, heath and lifestyle decisions.

The Vitality staking class get rewarded for time locking their Vitality for voluntary periods between 99-5555 days (about 15 years). The yield consists out of a yearly 4.32% inflation, bonuses and penalties.

The Vitality staking class generate and mint their own rewards. No middlemen. Each user engages with the code and mints their own rewards. Again, no middleman and now work from others. Individual users generate, create and mint each and every HEX into existence, just like in Bitcoin. This is done via the staking mechanism and in-app user rewards which all come from the 4.32% inflation distribution smart contract. 

Vitality pays you rewards for engagement regardless of the price moving up or down.

There will be a number of staking pool opportunities with some having a time limited entry window of 100 days and some being an open pool format. Rewards in both Vitality and CHI are distributed by % held in the pools.

Time limited staking pools reward the delayed gratification and the longer you hold the higher potential you have for higher yield. As every users exists the pool, the user % yield will increase proportionate to the amount staked. The last user to exist will receive 100% of the rewards for 3 months straight before being forced exited.

When you start a new Vitality stake you BURN your Vitality and receive CHI-Shares in return. The longer you stake the more CHI-shares you get. In simple terms “LongerPaysBetter”. Each day at midnight UTC every single CHI-share accrues rewards in HEX. The more Shares you have the more rewards you receive.

Each CHI-shares is worth 1 Trillion Shares. In time, users will receive an incremental reduction in the amount of CHI-Shares they receive in return for burning their HEX. This is derived from the CHI-Share formula which recalculates the rate every 24 hours. The more CHI-Shares you hold, the more yield and bonuses you will receive.

Utility NFTs are unique as they provide added benefits and monetary value features. Each NFT is generated and minted from 1 CHI Token which is then burnt. The NFTS will provide a series of benefits to the user in various ways.

  1. Unique collectable series
  2. Added in-app benefits, rewards and multipliers
  3. Staking NFTs add an additional monetary value
  4. Tradable on the open market based on rarity and value stakes
  5. Peer to Peer NFT currency

The aim is to build an all inclusive ecosystem of applications that drives use case and demand whilst the token itself becomes the necessary blood for all internal transactions, in-app interactions, lifestyle choices, health data and financial rewards. An ecosystem that ensures autonomy, sovereignty and freedom in many areas of life for everyone.

  1. Staking for healthy yield % system driven by Time Deposit principles
  2. Universal income stream in return for daily lifestyle choices
  3. Data monetisation rewards system
  4. Internal currency for a diverse ecosystem of applications
  5. Available for third party integrations
  6. Generates CHI Tokens for NFT creation
  7. Peer to peer currency within ecosystem
  8. Store of value and wealth

The Vitality ecosystem comprises of a series of decentralised applications that support the tokenomics of the token. Allows users to generate yield and income. The ecosystem also comprises of a series of Vitality token integrated smart applications and platforms developed by third parties that solve every day problems, as well as motivates and inspires people to make better fitness, lifestyle and health decisions.

Each application will have Vitality token integration to support gamification aspects that are highlights and special features of each every application.  NFTs and collectable series of these NFTS will provide added incentives and velocity throughout the system.

  1. Multiple smart applications
  2. Time deposit staking application
  3. NFT generation and minting application
  4. Third party app integration

Each integrated application will have gamified attributes that reward all daily interactions, choices and contributions within the application in various, approved ways. All rewards come from the 4.32% inflation smart contract pool.

Every user in the ecosystem will have various opportunities to earn yield and rewards starting with the “Time Deposit” staking application and the gamified experiences within the applications. it will pay for all users to stake and use various applications on a daily basis to earn the most rewards and potentially a daily income.

Multipliers are part of the game and can be earned and generated in various ways.

  1. Collect Utility NFT’s Series
  2. Purchase Founders Edition NFTs (1000 only)
  3. Purchase Limited Edition NFTs (1000 only)
  4. Subscribe to applications to unlock multipliers & benefits
  5. Random early adopter rewards

Cryptocurrencies, tokenised environments, blockchain and the supporting technology is evolving. Crypto 4.0 is about bringing multiple experiences into one ecosystem that supports the community in ways that have not been done before.

  1. Advanced Tokenomics
  2. Advanced Gamification
  3. Advanced DeFi Time Deposit Staking
  4. Advanced Utility NFTs
  5. Advanced Utility & Use Case
  6. Advanced Application Ecosystem

Early adoption ideologies have generally paid investors the most especially investing into new technology, products and businesses that can improve the life of the most amount of people. Cryptocurrencies are volatile in nature and run on psychological speculative cycles. Learn your cycles and learn how to play the longer game. All cryptocurrencies that prove the test of time and hold the most intrinsic value, utility and use case will thrive.

You can simply buy and hold Vitality just like any other PRC20 token. Optionally you can assign, some or all of your Vitality in a Time Deposit stake to receive yield. The rewards are paid in Vitality and CHI token. Yield on your Vitality multiplies with the added bonus of price appreciation based on supply and demand economics.

Staking Vitality reduces the liquid supply, which puts upwards pressure on Vitality’s price. Stakers receive Vitality rewards for holding tokens within these Time Deposits. Time locks are voluntary and range from 99 day to 5555 days. Longer & larger stakes earn more rewards. You can also build staking ladders to allows funds release at times that suit you best in the future. Staking ladders on a monthly basis, year by year, has proven to be a worthwhile strategy. Keeping in mind 15 year stakes will always pay better rewards in the long run.

Active stakes earn bonus yield from penalties when people end their Stakes earlier or later than they promised. Do as you say principles support better economic delayed gratification principles and reward those who are patient and play the long game. Remembering you can compound on all stake although the taking period recommences at a minimum of 99 days and continues to the originally agreed date of length. Once a stake length is set, it is set. 

Income can be derived from being consistent within the ecosystem on a daily basis, being an erky adopter, collecting multipliers, building staking ladders, collecting utility NFT’s and managing and contributing your data within the ecosystem of applications. Every user has the opportunity via commitment to build an income stream and financial freedom.

  1. Daily in-app rewards income stream
  2. Obtaining in-app multipliers and bonuses
  3. Time Deposit stakes
  4. Staking ladders
  5. Collecting Utility NFT’s
  6. Selling, trading and holding Vitality & CHI
  7. Delaying gratification

Humanity over the last 50+ years has been subjected to an increase in controlled propaganda, distracting technologies, soft poisoning and ongoing misinformation that has been divisive and degenerating of the human spirit, community and principles. Human rights revolve around the acknowledgement and ownership of identity, that being a man and/or woman of the land. Without this binary biological identification, individuals for go and forfeit their human rights as they simply no longer identify as a human. A dangerous precedent.

Every human deserves a good life. A life of happiness, security and sovereignty. A life lived without hinderance and interference from oligarchical agendas, corporatised profits and harm from over reaching governments and authorities. A new system is here which will provide freedom of choice and control without middle men and third parties.  To beat the system, you simply have to build and participate in a new one that is in the best interests of humanity.

  1. A user can participate in the sacrifice phase without expectations and contribute to the cause.
  2. A user can download a Vitality Ecosystem application and start earning lifestyle rewards.
  3. A user can buy Vitality and/or CHI on the open market and use these tokens in the decentralised staking and pool application.
  4. A user can build applications that support the ecosystem and apply for token rewards integration.
  5. A user can mint and generate their own NFTs with an outlook to pool and stake.
  6. Refer friends who are interested in supporting the cause.
  7. A user can be part of the Vitality community and provide value to other users. See Below.

Vitality Telegram Group

CHI Telegram Group

Cryptocurrency Risk Assessment

Please read the following risk warnings carefully before using cryptocurrencies.

The trading of cryptocurrencies entails certain risks. This document provides you with information about some of these risks, but cannot predict all of the risks which may arise nor can it describe how such risks relate to your personal circumstances. If you are in any doubt about whether cryptocurrencies are right for you, you may wish to seek guidance from a professional adviser.

You should carefully assess whether your financial situation and tolerance for risk is suitable for any form of exposure to cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies are unregulated:

Since the trading of cryptocurrencies are not subject to regulation, cryptocurrencies are not governed by any specific UK or European regulatory framework. This means that, when using cryptocurrencies, you will not benefit from the protections available to customers receiving regulated services.

Given the unregulated nature of cryptocurrencies, customers are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

Trading in cryptocurrencies carries special risks.

Cryptocurrencies also carry special risks not generally shared with official currencies or goods or commodities in a market. Unlike most currencies, which are backed by governments or other legal entities, or by commodities such as gold or silver, cryptocurrency is a unique medium of exchange, in that there is no central bank that can take corrective measures to protect the value of cryptocurrency in a crisis.

Instead, cryptocurrencies are an as-yet autonomous and largely unregulated worldwide system of currency. Traders of such currencies put their trust in a digital, decentralised and partially anonymous system that relies on peer-to-peer networking and cryptography to maintain its integrity.

The value of cryptocurrencies is highly volatile.

The market for cryptocurrencies is still relatively new and uncertain. The price of cryptocurrencies can rapidly increase or decrease at any time and may even fall to zero. The risk of loss in trading or holding an interest in cryptocurrencies can be substantial and can result in the loss of the entire value of your cryptocurrency.

The cryptocurrency market is highly susceptible to market manipulation and other misuse for illegal activities. The market is likely to be adversely affected if law enforcement agencies investigate any allegedly illegal activities on the Cryptocurrency Exchange or any other cryptocurrency platform.

More generally, cryptocurrencies are susceptible to bubbles or loss of confidence (irrational or otherwise), which could collapse demand relative to supply. For example, confidence might collapse in any given cryptocurrency because of unexpected changes imposed by the software developers or others, a government crackdown, the creation of superior competing alternative currencies, or a deflationary or inflationary spiral. Confidence might also collapse because of technical problems: if the anonymity of the system is compromised, if money is lost or stolen, or if hackers or governments are able to prevent any transactions from settling.

Cryptocurrency Exchanges are vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are entirely digital and, as with any virtual system, are at risk from hackers, malware and operational glitches. Even though Cryptocurrency Exchanges take various steps to preserve the security of their platforms, cryptocurrency which is held in wallets provided by such exchanges remain vulnerable to hacking.

If a thief gains access to one or more cryptocurrencies (i.e. by stealing the private encryption key to the Cryptocurrency Exchange wallets), he/she could transfer the stolen assets to another account. This is particularly problematic since all cryptocurrency transactions are permanent and irreversible.

Accordingly, a hack is likely to lead to substantial depletion of the cryptocurrency held on your behalf. Whilst the Cryptocurrency Exchange may be willing to compensate users for any such loss, they are not obliged to do so. A serious hack could also have the effect of putting a Cryptocurrency Exchange into insolvency.

The legal status of cryptocurrency is uncertain and constantly evolving.

Given that the market for cryptocurrencies is relatively new, the legal nature of cryptocurrency is – in most jurisdictions – yet to be determined by statute, regulation or case law. In the absence of such authority, it is not clear how a regulator or court may treat interests or rights arising trading in cryptocurrencies.

It is possible that a national or supranational regulator may take unilateral action to legislate the cryptocurrency market in a manner which prevents or encumbers the proper operation of the market in your jurisdiction. This may impact whether we can offer cryptocurrencies to you.


Vision Team

No one owns the Vitality Token mechanisms as they are decentralised, immutable and are community driven. The below team are community members only who are contributing to the ecosystem with their free time and experience to support the success of the project to achieve the mission and vision with no expectations of profit from the work of others. To repeat, DO NOT hold any expectation of profit from the work of others.

The Doctor Of The Future: Prescribing Lifestyle As Medicine | Mark Rowe | TEDxUCD


The Think Tank

Colored vitality token
Founder / Visionary / Architect
Colored vitality token
Technical Analyst
Colored vitality token
Sophisticated Advisor
Colored vitality token
Lead DEV
Software Development Management
Colored vitality token
Senior Product Designer (Apps)
Colored vitality token
Product Manager (Apps)
Colored vitality token
AI Analyst
Colored vitality token
Legal REP

How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge


Press About Vitality



Gamified Lifestyle Applications

Motorola Edge+_Social (My friends)


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